Winner of the 2018
American College of Healthcare Executives
James A. Hamilton Book of the Year!
Now Available in Print, e-Book or Audiobook formats (see below)
Mary Koloroutis, RN; David Abelson, MD
Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures explains and expands a fundamental and often overlooked truth in health care: It is the confluence of relational and clinical competence that advances relationship-based healing cultures.
A relationship-based culture is one in which a critical mass of people provides care and service with relational competence. In these cultures, the skills that foster relational competence are actively developed, nurtured, practiced, reinforced, and evaluated. While countless thought leaders have championed the importance of improving relationships, this book provides a practical how-to for the creation and nurturance of healthy relationships in health care.
Readers of this book will understand that a strategy that includes improving all relationships will improve all other measures as well. When you empower people, giving them the tools to take excellent care of themselves, one another, and the patients and families in their care, organizations thrive.
Chapter Overview
- Foreword: The Giver and the Receiver Are One
- Overview: Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures
- Chapter 1: A Relationship-Based Way of Being
- Chapter 2: Attuning, Wondering, Following, and Holding as Self-Care
- Chapter 3: Attunement as the Doorway to Human Connection
- Chapter 4: The Voice of the Family
- Chapter 5: Loving Leaders Advance Healing Cultures
- Chapter 6: One Physician's Perspective on the Value of Relationships
- Chapter 7: Embedding Relational Competence
- Chapter 8: The Role Human Resources in Advancing Culture
- Chapter 9: Relationship-Based Teaming
- Chapter 10: Care Delivery Design that Holds Patients and Families
- Chapter 11: Evidence that Relationship-Based Cultures Improve Outcomes
- Chapter 12: Relationship-Based Care and Magnet® Recognition
- Epilogue: Continuing the Conversation
- Appendix
Softcover, 344 pages. (2017)
Print ISBN: 9781886624979
Audiobook Formats Available: Audible | iTunes
ISBN: 9781518991486
E-Book Formats Available: Kindle | Nook | Google Play| iBooks | Kobo
eIBSN: 9781886624986